Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Morning Vietnam

.“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

January 23rd we left Cambodia, and headed to Saigon, Vietnam. I liked it there, we found a nice hostel in a 'backpacker' area, and didn't feel that lost any more. It was so hot, so unbelievable hot. Air condition is not something these hostels provide. But after a while you get used to the constant sweat down your back.
The currency was insane. I walked around with 2 million dong in my pocket, and bought a dress for 250 000! Which was hard to get your head around. The traffic was even more insane than both Cambodia and Bangkok, there are absolutely no rules! Mostly just motorbikes, which could carry five to six people. Pretty impressing!

Unfortunately we had to leave pretty soon. They had just started their New Years celebrations, and all the buses were full. Next stop was Nah Trang.
I knew that they called it 'sleeping bus', but what we didn't know was that it was actually bunk beds instead of seats! And you wouldn't believe how many beds they manage to fit in that bus. So yes, it was pretty cramped. Our 11 hours journey started with the kid next to vomiting, when he was done, a woman behind me started to snore, and it sounded like an orchestra was playing for each breath she took.
Well, it was now time to celebrate New Years Eve – again.

Our first night we met an English guy, Dan, and had a late meal together, which was the start of a great friendship. We spent the next few days with Dan and his friends, from all over the world, and had a 'bloody good time'.
New Years Eve was really something. Hundreds of people on the beach, fireworks, buckets and good company.
Two New Years celebrations in two months is not bad!

Our last night was a not a good one. I had eaten something my stomach really didn't like.
And I spent a good few hours in the bathroom that night.
Sad to leave Dan and his friends, we went on yet another sleeping bus.. And I must say that this night is on the top three list of worst nights in my life.
The bus didn't have a toilet!
Which is highly necessary when you got food poisoning. I had fever, stomach cramps and hadn't eaten in more than 28 hours.
After three hours he finally stopped and I ran to the toilet.
The “toilet” was a hole in the grown.

Eventually we got to Hoi An. A beautiful little city.
Because of the New Year celebrations, the hospital was closed! That's right, it was closed!
But after two days in bed a doctor came to see me. Five days without food, and I was finally getting better. And all I could think of was my mum's delicious food. I got to my feet, and was happier than ever the nightmare was over.

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