Thursday, November 25, 2010


"Always do what you wish you could"

Another exhausting bus ride (that was suppose to take 15 hours, but lasted for 22) further up north took us to Hanoi. An amazing city I would love to go back to one day. We checked in at Hanoi Backpackers, and this was the start of a great adventure.
We signed up for a two days boat cruse in Halong Bay, together with 40 other people from all over the world. We got on board, and after talking and getting to know each other for a few hours, they teamed us up and put us in a kayak.
Well, I didn't. 15 minutes and my arms felt like jelly. Luckily I had a muscular Aussie in the back seat. We paddled in to a cave where we all jumped in the water, and turned each other kayaks upside down (with people in it). We paddled for two long hours, we were all so exhausted, we couldn't even talk at the end. But the glimpse of our cool pirate ship put a smile on everyone's face. We knew there was delicious food and beer waiting for us. We were such a great group. From America, Australia, Spain, France and some very loud Irish. We were surrounded by enormous cliffs, it reminded me of a scene from “The Beach”.
We started the night drinking games, where you had to make an animal sound before you took a sip, if you swore you had to lie down with your nose on the deck, and you were not allowed to say 'yes'. As you can imagine it was a night with loads of fun and laughter.

6 am the next morning they woke us up, and at breakfast it was remarkable quiet. By the look on people's face, we were all being punished from the fun night before. Exhausted, tired and with what felt like a car crash in my head, we were going trekking. There were a million (if not more) stairs, and the mountain we were about to climb looked like Mount Everest.
But we did it! And the view from the top was stunning. On our way down the mood was slightly better, the Irish guys were even singing! Rest of the day was very relaxing, with a motorbike tour around the Island, dinner, and a good night sleep..... Until the Irish guys busted in to our room, refused to leave, and then started making prank calls. Calling the other rooms, saying “Check out time! Your bus is waiting! Hurry Hurry!” One very confused guy was waiting in the reception at 4am.

Early the next morning we sailed back to Hanoi and spent a few more days with our new friends. It was such an amazing trip, and just the thought of it still makes me smile. But it was time to pack our bags again, a new country was waiting for us.

Next stop: Laos.

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